Reach 7, 8 & 9: Veteran’s Point Gardens to Paradise Beach

Reach 7 & 8 – 620m

Reach 7 and Reach 8 are similar in their existing conditions and recommendations.

Reach 7 shoreline is comprised of high bluffs with a rocky shoreline, similar to conditions around Veteran's Point. It contains the water treatment plant which had previously installed erosion protection structures around its outflow. It has been listed as medium priority.

Reach 8 is a continuation of the rocky beach, high bluff shoreline. There is some exposed infrastructure here due to erosion, and it has been designated a medium priority site.


Preliminary Remediation Options for Consideration

Both Reach 7 & 8 are considered medium priority, and the preliminary recommended options are a cobble beach or a revetment.

Reach 9 – 220m

Reach 9 has a rocky beach shoreline but low to no bluffs between the shore and park space. There are several trees growing along the shoreline here and the Waterfront Trail runs relavitvely close to the beach in areas. Reach 9 is a medium priority area due to the proximity of the Waterfront Trail.


Preliminary Remediation Options for Consideration

The preliminary recommended option here is an offshore breakwater to assist with the natural transition from bluff to beach while still offering erosion protection. However, a cobble beach was also recommended as an approach at this reach.