Reach 1 – 220m
Reach one consists of the sandy beach shoreline just west of the mouth of Duffins Creek. The low bluffs in the area are experiencing rapid erosion but it is not identified as a threat to the limited surrounding infrastructure.
It is a low priority reach.
Preliminary Remediation Options for Consideration
Protection is recommended here due to the rapid erosion, however since there is minimal infrastructure to protect and because it is so close to the wetland, the cobble beach was preferred to better mimic the existing shoreline.
Reach 2 – 260m
Reach two contains the mouth of Duffins Creek and the barrier beach. The raised boardwalk across the creek mouth is also in this reach. Due to the ecological sensitivity of this area, it is not a priority and Do Nothing is the recommended approach.
Preliminary Remediation Option for Consideration
As the path in this area is already raised and the barrier beach provides important sediment supply and ecological function. The Do Nothing option is the preliminary recommended approach due to the path already being raised and the adjacent barrier beach provides sediment supply and is a significant ecological feature.