South End Concept Designs
The following concept designs are being presented:
Concept 1A
Vegetated Shoreline Flood Berm
Concept 1 involves installing a vegetated impermeable berm to protect the focus area from flooding. This Concept has several variations based on the placement of the berm. Concept 1A involves placing the berm along the shoreline.
- Protects entire south end from flooding
- Construction would result in significant disturbance to existing naturalized shoreline and vegetation communities
- High cost compared to other alternatives
- Some long-term maintenance required
Concept 1B and
Concept 1C: Vegetated Inland Berm
Concept 1B and 1C show a variation where the berm is placed inland instead of along the shoreline. In Concept 1B, the berm follows the most open pathway to avoid disturbance to the vegetation community. Concept 1C is another variation of the inland option where the berm more closely encircles the clubhouse and then follows the roadway to further minimize vegetation disturbance.
- Reduced impact to natural environment compared to Concept 1A
- Impact to vegetation community would still be significant compared to other alternatives
- Some long-term maintenance required
- Provides direct protection to clubhouse while reducing impact to natural environment compared to Concept 1A/1B
- Despite reduced vegetation impact, some disruption and tree removals still required
- Some long-term maintenance required
Concept 2
Vegetated Inland Berm and Flood Wall
Like Concept 1C, Concept 2 involves installing a vegetated inland berm that wraps around the clubhouse. The berm would then transition into a concrete flood wall that is placed along the roadway.
- Provides direct protection to clubhouse while reducing impact to natural environment compared to Concept 1A/1B
- Despite reduced vegetation impact, some disruption and tree removals still required
Concept 3
Wyandot Avenue Flood Wall
Concept 3 involves installing a concrete flood wall along Wyandot Avenue. The wall would protect the residential area but leave the rest of the south end natural and allow it to flood. The pathway leading to the clubhouse would need to be raised to maintain access during high lake levels.